Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Captain Teemo on Duty!

So, a co-worker of mine was on a business trip in USA and he had a surprise for me when he came back this morning: Yes! He brought me back a cute Teemo hat, HOORAY!

I like playing Teemo in League of Legends. Because it's fun to annoy the hell out of people with your shrooms and by blinding and poisoning them. I'm currently a silver ranked player, well, who am I kidding, I've been a silver ranked player for the last 3 seasons. Anyways, I don't play Teemo on ranked because I think he is just not suitable for it (sorry Teemo). But when I play some casual, unranked games for fun, I play Badger Teemo with a AP/AS hybrid build. Then, he pewpews and pawns everyone. It's funny how something so small can be deadly. But hey, you know, size doesn't mean everything.

Now I want you to focus and find the differences between the two photos. The one on top is like "Fuck Yea!!! I have a cool Teemo hat. It's time to show off." Among the couple of photos I took, umm 27 to be exact, I've picked this one to post. The photo on the left though is also a winner. Because it reflects perfectly what goes inside my mind at that moment: "Pffftttchh, this is so fun. I'm taking a self shot in the WC on the building of my workplace. And I can hear a girl peeing in one of the cabins behind me. Er mah gerd, I haz a Teemo hat! I'm gonna burst into laughter. She's peeing and I'm secretly taking photos of myself with my fabulous Teemo hat and she doesn't know it. Trololololol."
Yeah, weird is my middle name.